Edgerton residents can reserve areas for events. Read the rules and fill out the form below!

If you want to partner with Edgerton to put on a large event, please reach out to eha-reservations@mit.edu at least one month in advance.


First, check the Reservations Calendar to make sure the lounge/BBQ pit is available at your desired time.

If you are not an Edgerton resident, a current Edgerton resident must submit the registration and alcohol forms on your behalf.

  • If your event has no alcohol and is for 100 people or fewer, fill out the form below.
  • If your event has alcohol and has 25 people or fewer, fill out the form below AND fill out and submit the alcohol form to both the Associate Dean for Graduate Resident Life at naomic@mit.edu and the Reservations Chair at eha-reservations@mit.edu.
  • If your event has alcohol and has more than 25 people, fill out the form below AND submit an event registration through Atlas.
  • If your event is for greater than 100 people, fill out the form below AND submit an event registration through Atlas.

Location Requested

Both lounges cannot be reserved simultaneously; one lounge and barbecue pit can be reserved simultaneously.
 Small Lounge Large Lounge BBQ Pit

Date and Time of Event

11 AM - 10 PM if there are classes on the data after the event (Sunday-Thursday)
11 AM - 1 AM if there are no classes on the day after the event (Friday, Saturday)
During finals week, lounges may NOT be reserved.

Date: (press down arrow or type manually in format mm/dd/yyyy)
Start Time: :
End Time: :

Resident Information

Your Name




Name of co-sponsor
A co-sponsor is required if resident reserving the space for someone outside of Edgerton.
In this case, the resident agrees to assume responsibility for clean-up and damages incurred.

Student ID
The bursar account of this ID will be billed for any charges incurred from damages to Edgerton property during the event, if applicable.

Event Information

Name of event

Hosting Group/Organization

Type of Event (public, private, academic-related)

Expected Attendance
 Less than 25 25 or more

Serving Food?
 Yes No

Serving alcohol?
If yes, please submit correct alcohol/event registration forms based on the attendance number above.
 Yes No

Are you submitting an event registration through Atlas?
See the instructions at the top of the page for whether you need to do this.
 Yes No

Clean-up and Trash Disposal

  • After use of lounge and barbecue pit, trash from event must be removed from bins and placed either:
    1) Outside the TRASH COMPACTOR ROOM by the Loading Dock – Building A, 1st Floor
    2) In the Trash Chutes (Rooms 230 or 330) in Building A, 2nd and 3rd Floors
  • Ashes from the barbecue pit must be removed and disposed of after use.
  • Furniture must be returned to the location and formation in which it was found.

By clicking Send below, you certify that you have read the Edgerton House Policy for Location Use and Reservations and the Guidelines for Event Registration for Events Sponsored by MIT Students or Student Groups and agree to the terms stated in each.

In the event of any problems, such as vandalism, lack of cleanliness, or lack of orderliness, as per the procedures outlined in the Edgerton House Policy for Location Use and Reservations, your student account may be billed for the reparation of damages caused. Misbehavior or inappropriate conduct of event guests may result in prohibition of future use of the lounges and barbecue pit.