Edgerton Constitution

The Edgerton Constitution (PDF) lays out house government policies and procedures.


Quiet hours

Quiet hours are from 12am-8am Sun-Thurs nights, 2am-8am Fri-Sat nights. Parties and loud noise are discouraged during the final exam period. Note that Edgerton walls are very thin, so a TV at a normal volume or an animated conversation in the courtyard could be keeping someone else awake. Please note that the music room is only to be used from 10am-10pm.

Noise inside Edgerton

Please attempt to contact the resident first. If this fails, or you do not feel comfortable approaching the resident, you can make an anonymous call to the Front Desk at (617) 253-4933). If the noise persists, during Quiet Hours you can make an anonymous call to MIT police at (617) 253-1212. For persistent noise problems (e.g. a party every Friday), please contact the Graduate Coordinator at eh-officers@mit.edu.

Noise outside Edgerton

For example: construction, idling trucks, etc. These activities are not permitted from 6pm to 7am on weekdays (9am Saturdays and holidays). If they are happening outside the designated hours, do not hesitate to contact the non-emergency Cambridge police number (617) 349-3300, or MIT police at (617) 253-1212. Another option is Rachel Jellinek, Assistant for Government and Community Relations, rsj@mit.edu or (617) 253-1989.

Room Policies


All MIT buildings are smoke-free – this includes offices, halls, rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, lounges, hallways, staircases, emergency exit routes and entrance areas. Smoking inside the Edgerton courtyard is permitted if it does not disturb anyone. Edgerton holds a strict non-smoking policy:

  • First offense: Warning
  • Second offense: $100 fine billed to your bursar’s account
  • Third offense: Removal from building


In the graduate residences, no pets may be kept by residents or guests. The term “pets” includes mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. Fish are not specifically prohibited. Students accompanied by a Guide Dog or Hearing Dog are exempted from the prohibition of pets on campus. Roommates will be informed of the presence of this type of pet and allowed to transfer if a problem arises.

Maintenance access

Please do not block the heating/air-conditioning unit. Access to the unit is important for your safety.

Visitor policy

Each resident is allowed to put the names of up to 5 guests on their guest list at the front desk. When one of these guests arrive, they will be allowed to enter only if they show proper identification. Visitors whose names are not on the guest list will have to call from the phone at the building entrance, and you will have to come and meet them. No other visitors will be allowed in the building. Guests are allowed in Edgerton a maximum of three days/nights per week. Please remember to be respectful of your suitemates’ wishes regarding visitors

Edgerton residents’ checklist

Once you are at Edgerton, you and your suitemates will be required to fill out a residents’ checklist and submit it by the end of September. This list contains items such as – who will clean the bathroom, how do we take care of the common areas, what are our apartment’s guest policies, etc. This checklist is an agreement among the apartment occupants and its main purpose is to prevent problems and confrontations at a later date. The list will be provided to you and your suitemates.

Edgerton House Tax

Residents pay a house tax of $5.00 per month, consistent with other grad dorms at MIT. Income from the tax will be used to finance social activites (including the bi-weekly socials), improvements to facilities such as the gym and the equipment in the lounges, and all other activities organized by the Edgerton House Association (EHA). If you have any ideas for events EHA could organize, please feel free to e-mail any of your officers. We would love to hear from you!

Front Desk Check Outs

Movies (DVDs), board games, selected sports equipment, moving trollies, and cleaning equipment can be checked out at the front desk under the following policy.

  • Red Lock out keys: Loan period = 1 hour, Additional Hour Fine = $5/hour, Maximum Fine = $50, Damage/Lost fine = $50, Overnight = No
  • 2-wheel carts, 4 wheel carts/flat beds: Loan period = 4 hours, Additional Hour Fine = $2/hour, Maximum Fine = $50, Damage/Lost fine = $50, Overnight = No
  • Vacuum Cleaners: Loan period = 2 hours, Additional Hour Fine = $2/hour, Maximum Fine = $50, Damage/Lost fine = $50, Overnight = No
  • DVDs: Loan period = 48 hours, Additional Hour Fine = $1/hour, Maximum Fine = $20, Damage/Lost fine = $20, Overnight = Yes
  • Misc items (ping pong, pool, sports equipments): Loan period = 2 hours, Additional Hour Fine = $2/hour, Maximum Fine = $20, Damage/Lost fine = $50, Overnight = Yes

Overnight loans are available only if the items are checked out after 10pm, and must be returned by 10am next day.

Reservations and Events

Policy for lounge use and reservations

(The definitions and rules presented are MIT Policy – please don’t yell at us!)

Residents must reserve the lounges and BBQ pits for a party, defined as a gathering of more than 10 people at which food or drink will be served. If there is no reservation on file, the event can be closed down immediately.

Who can make reservations for using the lounge?

– Only residents of Edgerton House
– Residents or groups are discouraged from reserving a lounge regularly or frequently (i.e. for a weekly club meeting or similar)
– MIT activities, clubs, groups, etc. are expected to use other MIT facilities on campus and only to use Edgerton facilities if no other campus facilities are available

When can facilities be reserved?

– 11 am – 10 pm if there are classes on the day after the event (Sun. – Thurs.)
– 11 am – 1 am if there are no classes on the day after the event (Fri., Sat.)
– Events during the summer and extended
holidays (i.e. Spring Break) would fall into the second category
– During the final exam period, lounges may only be used for quiet study or House sponsored study breaks
– Please be considerate of other residents, especially late at night; all functions must end by 10 pm Sun. – Thurs., 1 am Fri. – Sat. (you have an extra hour to clean and leave the lounge)
– For reservations by multiple people on the same day, please allow a two-hour cushion between reservations
– Only one lounge may be reserved at a given time – the other lounge must remain open (this does not include the BBQ pit, which may be reserved at the same time as a lounge)

How to make reservations?

– Lounges and BBQ pits are reserved on a first come, first served basis
– Reservations can be made online here
– Please plan your event far enough in advance to use the normal reservation procedure; however, provided the lounge is free, last-minute reservations are possible
– If there are any damages to Edgerton as a result of your event, your bursar account will be billed for the cost of repairs
– Any questions regarding reservations should be directed to the Reservations Officer (eha-reservations@mit.edu)

What about alcohol?

– Parties with alcohol (whether you or your guests provide it) have to be registered with additional campus bodies in addition to the front desk, so all paperwork must be completed and turned in to the front desk a minimum of 4 working days before your event
– If your event has 25 people or fewer, fill out the alcohol form on paper and submit it to the front desk
– If your event has more than 25 people, the event must be registered via Atlas.
– You are required to take specific precautions to prevent the possession and consumption of alcohol by those under 21
Alcohol is not allowed unless the event has been registered correctly – failure to do so will result in an unpleasant visit by the campus police

Before the event

– Signs announcing the reservation should be posted on the lounge doors by noon on the day before the event; signs are included in the reservation package
– If your guests are non-Edgerton residents, please leave a guest list at the desk to facilitate their entry into the building
– If you need a vacuum for clean up, please check it out before the desk closes
– Please ensure the facility is in good shape before your event starts and report any damage it to the appropriate officer, or it will become your responsibility
– For the BBQ pit, check the build-up of ash in the pit; if it exceeds 1 cm, then the ashes should be removed (but only if they are cold!)

During the event

– The event sponsor must remain at the event from beginning to end
– You are responsible for all the actions of your guests while at Edgerton; any damage, theft, etc. that may occur in the lounges or anywhere else in Edgerton as a result of your guests’ actions will be your responsibility
– Please do not abuse common room equipment; do not place other objects such as coats, food, or people on the equipment
– If the common room equipment is damaged during the function, the event’s sponsor is liable for the full cost of repair or replacement of the equipment, up to its original price (Note: each piece of equipment costs over $1000)

After the event

– Please ensure facilities are clean at the end of the event – failure to do so will result in a fine between $10 and $100 levied through the Bursar’s office
– Return furniture to original position, empty garbage cans and dispose of contents in the trash chutes, vacuum carpets, and take reservation signs down
– If a desk worker is on duty after the party, check out with the desk worker, who will check the lounge condition; the appropriate officer will also check the facility after the event to authorize the return of the deposit check

Alcohol policy

MIT’s alcohol policy (serving alcohol at events, etc.) can be found here.

Large event registration

For events in residence halls, the following types of events must be registered with MIT:
– Any event open to non-residents where the attendance will exceed 100 people
– Any event closed to non-residents where the attendance will exceed 250 people

The event must be registered via Atlas. For more information on event registration see http://web.mit.edu/institute-events/events/reg.html.