Edgerton Orientation Events 2014
It’s the start of a new school year, and Edgerton has many events for residents old and new!
1) 7 pm on 8/25: Edgerton House social
Featuring free food and a special guest, Libby Mahaffy, who will talk to residents about roommate conflict resolution.
2) 8/27: IKEA trip
Ashdown and Edgerton will be hosting an IKEA outing next week Wednesday (August 27th) at 10:30 am by4:30pm. Tickets will cost 5 dollars and can be purchased at the GSC information booth next week. The buses leave from Edgerton and there will be return stops at Edgerton, Ashdown and Sidpac. This is a great opportunity to pick up all those dorm essentials you have been missing and enjoy some great swedish food!
3) 8-10 AM on 9/3: Welcome Breakfast by House Staff
Come meet the House Staff over a delicious breakfast! Please RSVP your attendance at the Front Desk by August 29.
4) 6:30 PM on 9/4: Welcome BBQ by the Housemasters
5) 6-9 PM on 9/6: Orientation BBQ
At Edgerton House courtyard.